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(June 16–27, 2011)

J Pat Marse

A Family Kitchen

Roberto Mancuso

Temporary Lost Family

Milan, Italy

June 25, 2011, 22:30 local time

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© 2011 Roberto Mancuso, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License


Usually I try to realize a Pano treating the proposed theme not so strictly: on the contrary, for this subject, I was planning a quite “traditional” image, with my family and with several shots of “mummy,” as a tribute to whom is the actual family's great standby.

Then, something happened: besides she didn’t feel like being taken, a squabble with our son had occurred, so I found my set “empty” and “family-less,” only one dish on the unlaid table.

So this time I understood that, by taking this “non-family,” I could render its presence exactly by its absence: we understand what we really own only when we loose it, even if only figuratively.

Jadys, at least, our pussy-cat, did not evade her photos duty, and so, there she is, in front of the TV, ready to be cuddled by anybody.

By now she too is part of our family, being actually the “trait d’union” among the several “human” beings.


Di solito cerco di realizzare una pano che soddisfi il tema proposto in maniera non "letterale", ma questa volta avevo pensato ad una foto quasi "tradizionale", con la mia famiglia, e con "la mamma" ripresa piu' volte, come omaggio a chi di fatto, della famiglia, e' la colonna portante. Ma poi e' successo qualcosa: oltre alla scarsa voglia di mia moglie a farsi riprendere, c'e' stata una forte discussione con nostro figlio, per cui ho trovato "il set" vuoto e "senza famiglia", ovvero la tavola con un solo piatto, e nemmeno tutta apparecchiata. Ho cosi' capito che questa volta proprio fotografando la "non famiglia" avrei reso la sua presenza con la sua assenza: ci si accorge di cio' che si aveva proprio quando lo si "perde" anche se solo in maniera figurata. Almeno Jadys, la gatta di casa, non si e' sottratta allo shooting, per cui eccola li', davanti alla televisione, pronta a farsi coccolare da chiunque. Anche lei, ormai, fa parte della famiglia, ed e' proprio il trait d'union fra le varie anime "umane".

Europe / Italy

Lat: 45° 27' 44" N
Long: 9° 14' 4" E

Elevation: 137 slm

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Camera: Nikon D70s, Lens: Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye, Panohead: Agno's TCP, Tripod: Feisol carbon fiber, Software PTGui.

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com