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(June 16–27, 2011)

Fung Yu

Descendants of Rizal

Walker Young

Pray to Ksitigarbha Bless for Family Peace

Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan — 新北市 新莊區

July 19, 2011, 06:00 UTC (14:00 TPE)

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© 2011 Walker Young, All Rights Reserved.

Ksitigarbha (Sanskrit: क्षितिगर्भ Kṣitigarbha) is a Bodhisattva primarily revered in East Asian Buddhism, usually depicted as a Buddhist monk in the Orient. The name may be translated as "Earth Treasury", "Earth Store", "Earth Matrix", or "Earth Womb".

Ksitigarbha is known for his vow to take responsibility for the instruction of all beings in the six worlds between the death of Gautama (Sakyamuni) Buddha and the rise of Maitreya Buddha, as well as his vow not to achieve Buddhahood until all hells are emptied.

He is therefore often regarded as the Bodhisattva of hell beings, as well as the guardian of children and patron deity of deceased children and aborted fetuses in Japanese culture. Usually depicted as a monk with a nimbus around his shaved head, he carries a staff to force open the gates of hell and a wish-fulfilling jewel to light up the darkness. (from Wikipedia)

新莊地藏庵一般俗稱大眾爺廟,主祀地藏王菩薩、文武大眾爺及董大爺 最具特色的地方在於主祀及陪祀神明各有其職司法力。

● 大眾爺 專管訴訟 (每月農曆 5、13、20、25公休)。

● 董大爺 專管找回失物 (找車、討錢)。(沒有公休日)

● 地藏菩薩 專管冥界事物 (祭改、超渡祖先、化解冤親債主、嬰靈、補財庫) (每月農曆 5、25公休)。

大眾爺有分文、武。 「文大眾爺」是指貧病路倒的無名屍骨,台語俗稱「路旁屍」 而「武大眾爺」指的是因戰亂、械鬥殉身的亡魂。




Asia / Taiwan

Lat: 25° 2' 16.25" N
Long: 121° 27' 23.56" E

Elevation: 22.698

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon EOS 5DII + Sigma 8mm/f8 fisheye
Software: PTGui, Photoshop CS4

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