Suvorov Memorial Museum
Saint Petersburg, Russia
June 21, 2012, 03:40 UTC (07:40 local time) 2 hours after sunrise
© 2012 Andrew Varlamov, All Rights Reserved.
In 1904, the museum moved into the present building, purpose-built to a flamboyant design by Alexander von Hohen in a dramatic Russian Revival style. The building's austere outlook derives primarily from medieval Muscovite military architecture. Apart from the Suvorov family coat of arms and signs of military glory, the facade displays two mosaics representing "Suvorov Leaving Russia for Italy in 1799" and "Suvorov Crossing the Alps" - en.wikipedia.org reported.
The money for the erection of the building were collected by subscription.
The museum's collections, exceeding 100,000 items in 2002, were acquired through purchase and private donations. The Communist authorities had the museum closed down in 1919 and the collections were dispersed to other museums. In the 1930s, the building housed the AeroMuseum. During the Siege of Leningrad, it was damaged by a bomb.
During the Great Patriotic War the respect of Suvorov was restored in the Soviet military. As a consequence, the museum building was renovated in 1950 and resumed its activity the following year. The latest restoration was undertaken in 1995-2000.
Lat: 59° 56' 36.71" N
Long: 30° 22' 35.63" E
Elevation: 6m
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

Lens: Samyang 8mm f/3.5 Aspherical IF MC Fish-eye
Panohead: Nodal Ninja Ultimate R10 mounted onto Manfrotto Monopod Quick Release Head 234RC
Tripod: Fanotec Carbon Fiber Pole Series 2
Level for Pole: ABS Plastic Vertical Spirit Level
PC Software: PTGui Pro 9.1.3 by New House Internet Services B.V. (dated by January 16, 2012), Pano2QTVR Pro Flash version 1.6.6 by Thomas Rauscher
Subject: Re: ZIP to produce Flash object - June 30, 2009 10:31 AM
Hi, Pat !
Excuse me for so long silence - I read Your letter only this morning.
That's quite alright, it wasn't like my house was on fire or anything like that.
Subject: Re: Flash object from ZIP is OK ! - July 1, 2009 1:09 PM
Hi, Pat !
Hi there.
Flash version is OK.
Thank You for Your work.
My pleasure.
Are You going to publish it on WWP site now ?
Yes. Then the site visitor will see your MOV or my SWF depending on what preference they have. If they only have Quicktime or Flash installed they'll get that version by default.
I forgot to mention that I really like the contrast between the Egyptian Sphinx and Cathedral dome in one of the shots.
WWP Event "Food"
Subject: Re: One little mistake - April 7, 2010 1:13 AM
Dear Patrick !
Thank You and WWP team for good job - WWP Event FOOD is published (for early birds, not for late owls).
... like myself. I'm late to my own event. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
IMHO at the page of Vil Muhametsin (from Latvia) local time must be greater than UTC time (it is Europe, really). Now everyone can read there : March 20, 2010, 18:10 UTC (16:10 local time) Perhaps You can find correct solution.
Thanks for catching that. I just looked at the page in the non-live version and it's correct so I'll have to beat the server into submission to get it to upload that page again.
If you hear any screams later, it's OK, it's just me "talking" to the server. =8^)
Have nice day !
Thanks in advance
Nice slice of life in your pano. How late in the year does the snow stay in Pushkin? I like the what-the-hell-kind-of-a-camera-is-that look on the guy who's walking by's face.
WWP Event "Forgotten Places"
Subject: Nice opening view ... - July 1, 2010 3:16 AM
... with the contrast of the green rye fields and the stark smooth-sided architecture of the onion-dome church. Is there a site with more info on the church that can be added to the pano's description?
I hope all's well with you and yours.
Subject: Re: Nice opening view ... - July 1, 2010 11:00 AM
Hi, Patrick !
I did indicate site about the church at page named "Behind the scene : how this panorama was made" - http://www.visitnovgorod.com/catalogue/novgorod/4288/5265.html
And the 2nd reason - geographical name Nereditsa is associated only with the church of Savior. IMO no need to overload face page.
My concern is how many people will miss it like I did? That's why I always contain everything in the description.
Pat Swovelin
World Wide Panorama Event Coordinator
Get out there and shoot some panoramas!