View from Barn Bluff
Overlooking Red Wing, Minnesota, USA
June 17, 2012, 17:50 UTC (11:50 am local time)
© 2012 Edward S. Fink, All Rights Reserved.
My family has a long history of weekend photography trips. Over 40 years ago my dad would drive us around the Rocky Mountains in Colorado shooting panoramas with a Mamiya 6x9 Press Camera. So on Father's Day weekend 2012 I went back to my panorama roots with my wife and grandkids, and rented a convertible to cruise the bluff country along the Mississippi River in southern Minnesota and Wisconsin. I shot panoramas at some of the same locations I shot 13 years ago with my first digital camera.
In 1999 with my $1,000 digital camera it took 18 shots to make a 360 degree panorama. I could fit exactly 36 shots in the camera, so if I didn't make any mistakes I could shoot 2 panoramas before I had to stop for a 30 minute camera download! Like shooting panoramas with my dad, it was such an investment in time that I learned to be very picky with my shots, and wanted only the most scenic locations. So I used to do "panorama weekends" where I'd rent a convertible, put the top down, and cruise around looking for special places to photograph - like this one.