New Cars, Old Port
Point Potrero, Richmond, California, USA
30 June 2015, 11:15 Pacific Daylight Time
© 2015 Landis Bennett, All Rights Reserved.
To the right of the large cargo ship at the end of the dock is the SS Red Oak Victory. It was built here at these yards in 1944 as one of several Liberty and Victory Ships built during World War II. After service in the US Navy, it went on to serve another 20 years in the Merchant Marines. Retired in 1966 it was brought back to its birthplace in 1998 where it is being restored as a floating museum by the Richmond Museum of History as part of the WWII Home Front National Historical Park.
To the right of the SS Red Oak Victory are 5 dry docks, part of the once very active ship building industry.
Off in the distance is the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The eastern span (left half) was opened in 2013 to replace the old portion unable to withstand another earthquake. When the new bridge opened it held the record as the most expensive and widest bridge in the world ($6.5 billion and 12 lanes wide).
Continuing to the right is the city of San Francisco with Sutro Tower standing above it and the fog coming in from the Golden Gate just behind Angel Island.
Software: PTGui/Mac, Photoshop CS 2014