Napted Right Navigation Chamber.
Gabčíkovo-Slovak Hydroelectric Power Plant
juni 2018
The Summer Cruises on The River Danube.
Through the navigation chamber on The Waterwork Gabčíkovo.
Lat: 47° 52' 55.106" N
Long: 17° 32' 26.994" E
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

Canon EOS 5D mark IV., lens EF 8-15/f4, (4 shot around at 12 mm), Manfroto 190B tripod, Fanotec Ultimate R10 panohead.
Gabčíkovská vodná elektráreň na rieke Dunaj v prevádzke už viac než 25 rokov. / Gabčíkovo-Slovak Hydroelectric Power Plant on The Danube River has been in Operation for more than 25 Years.
Viac panosnímkov - more panoramas at: https://www.spinattic.com/4839/18221