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History (revisited)

(April 1 – June 30, 2021)

Brian Richards

The Inlet Café ~ Revisted

Roberto Ricci

Historical aqueduct of Genoa, Italy.

Struppa district, Genoa, Italy

27th June 2021 05:10 PM

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© 2021 Roberto Ricci, All Rights Reserved.


This panorama shows one of the bridges of the ancient Genoese aqueduct in Italy. This bridge crosses the Rio Torbido, a stream from which it takes its name. It was built in the early 1600s, has a length of 130 meters and a height of 35 meters, is supported by arches of 11 meters in diameter. There are numerous other bridges along the 40 kilometers of the ancient aqueduct and the oldest, still existing and in perfect shape, dates back to around 1300. Nowadays, this aqueduct is no longer used and the many sections still practicable are maintained mostly by volunteers. Access to the ancient aqueduct is public, completely free and doesn't require special permits, except for a couple of siphon bridges that are periodically opened for tourist purposes.


Europe / Italy

Lat: 44° 27' 20.602" N
Long: 9° 0' 34.46" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

This panorama was captured by a Sony A7R III camera with a Samyang 8mm f/2.8 fisheye lens at F8 and Nodal NInja R1 panohead on a pole. It's composed of 4 single frames stitched with PtGui.

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