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(April 1 – June 30, 2022)

Robert Bilsland

People helping People in Crisis

Alain Auzeral

Le Trouve Tout du Livre bookshop

Le Somail - Saint Nazaire d'Aude - France

February 26, 2022

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Humanity can also be characterized by the will to transmit and preserve abstract notions, through writing, then through its support, stone, wood, silk, then papyrus, parchment and finally books.
Preserving, transmitting and disseminating knowledge or artistic creation also seems to me to define, admittedly in part, "humanity".
Thus, I have chosen to treat the theme of "humanity" through one of the symbols of the diffusion of culture, knowledge and art, a bookshop. Just a bookshop, one of the prettiest in France, but just a bookshop, quite simply.
Especially since it distributes in the most beautiful way only used books, second-hand books, already seen, read, leafed through, to transmit and transmit again and again this beautiful part of "humanity" which is called knowledge.
At the bookshop "Le Trouve Tout du Livre", along the Canal du Midi, at the port of Somail - in Saint Nazaire d'Aude - France - you can see, touch, feel the books, and because it remains on a human scale, be surrounded by knowledge, or artistic creation, with a real atmosphere that is impossible to obtain through modern digital distribution. 


Europe / France

Lat: 43° 15' 55.732" N
Long: 2° 54' 13.244" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

Fujifilm XT3 - 7Artisans 7.5mm f/2.8 II - Nodal Ninja 6 panohead

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