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(April 1 – June 30, 2024)

Iñaki Rezola

Evolution in stone layers of puff pastry

Carsten T. Rees

Revisited: Phylogenetic Tree of the Flowering Plants

Phylogenetic Tree of the Flowering Plants, Botanical Garden, University of Freiburg, Germany

June, 26th 2024

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© 2024 Carsten T. Rees, All Rights Reserved.


I have already taken a panorama at this location. It was thirteen years ago for the WWP-Event „Family“.

But the location fits equally well for the theme “Evolution”. If you compare the two panoramas not that much has changed. But what are thirteen years in the face of evolution?

There is an anthropocentric way of thinking: “Man, the Crown of Creation”. And so all of evolution seems to aim towards “modern” man (as opposed to Homo erectus and the other guys). But evolution is not restricted to the lineage of man.

In the Phylogenetic Tree of the Flowering Plants you can see their evolution from early forms towards more sophisticated ones like Rosidae and Asteridae.

Here is some explanation from the old panorama:

In the University of Freiburg's Botanical Garden you can find a “life size” “Phylogenetic Tree of the Flowering Plants.” A diagram of this tree (taken from a sign in the botanical garden) is depicted in the bottom of the panorama. Each spot in the diagram corresponds directly to a compartment in the garden. Each compartment represents a taxonomical order and it contains plants from several plant-families belonging to that specific order. The branches of the phylogenetic tree are represented in the garden as paved light-red trails.

Each colour in the diagram represents a subclass. The subclasses of the Dicotyledonae are: Orange — Magnoliidae, Light Blue (to the left) — Hamamelidae, Pink (underneath Purple) — Caryophyllidae, Red — Rosidae, Yellow — Dilleniidae, Dark Blue (to the right) — Asteridae.

Purple marks all three subclasses of the Monocotyledonae: Alismatidae, Arecidae and Liliidae.

In the panorama you can see a huge tree with direct sunlight in it. This tree stands in the large orange compartment at the very base of the phylogenetic tree — Magnoliales.

The compartment on the right of the purple sign is the second compartment in the branch of the Monocotyledonae containing Arales (a well known family of which is Araceae — the Arum family) and Arecales (palm trees).

The two Hominidae on the lawn are lying in direct neighbourhood to the compartment Zingiberales. Some families belonging to that Order are ginger, cardamom, turmeric, galangal. So this order is highly essential for the typical Indian cuisine.


Canon EOS 5D, Canon 15mm, Nodal Ninja R1, Fanotec Pole Series 2, DXO, PTGui Pro, Photoshop, Topaz Photo AI, Pano2VR

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