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(April 1 – June 30, 2024)

Kenneth A. Butt

Cape Spear Lighthouse Evolution

Christian Braut

Les Chardons Bleus, La Roche Mathieu, Coco

Batz-sur-Mer (Brittany), France

June 29 2024, 17:38 UTC (19:00 local)

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© 2024 Christian Braut, All Rights Reserved.


This magnificent villa built in 1909 on the wild coast, with its breathtaking panoramic ocean views and then called "Les Chardons Bleus", was transformed over forty years ago into a restaurant. Named "La Roche Mathieu", it was one of the region's must-visit establishments for several decades. The new team, who took it over in 2023 and renamed it Coco, has completely renovated and redesigned it, while retaining its charm and integration into an exceptional environment. A successful evolution!


Taken with a Nikon D810 + AF Fisheye-Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D mounted on a Nodal Ninja 3 MkII head. One row of six shots + zenith/nadir. Optimized with Photoshop/Camera Raw, stitched with PTGui and KRPano Tools.

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