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(April 1 – June 30, 2024)

Jesse Lee 李景超(鱼眼龙)

Wind Chimes - Sousa Chinensis

Jean Guy Lathuilière

From March to June's solstice : Landscape's Evolution

Parc de Varennes - Le Coteau, Rhône-Alpes

June 20th, 06:05 PM Local Time

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© 2024 Jean Guy Lathuilière, All Rights Reserved.


Landscape's Evolution between Wrinkle/March and Wrinkle/June. 

Water from winter heavy rains almost gone away and leafy trees, signs of a visible evolution in a short period of time. 

Mixing of two panoramas in Photoshop.

For a significant comparison, please click on the link below :



Europe / France

Lat: 46° 1' 20.122" N
Long: 4° 4' 31.467" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.


Nikon D 850 

Nikkor 1:2,8 / 10,5mm

Handheld, 4 shots

AutoPano Giga3.0


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