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(September, 2004)

Shawn Steigner

Royal Gorge Bridge - West Side

David Spencer

Viaduct over the River Nidd

Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England, UK

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© 2004 David Spencer, All Rights Reserved.

This preamble has almost nothing ot do with this pano, but non-the-less...
I took a trip home to Yorkshire with the intention of photographing the "Crimple Valley Viaduct". However, things didn't go as planned. After walking cross country for 3 miles with all my kit, the closest I could get to this huge and impressive piece of working Victorian industrial architcture was about 800 metres - not what I had planned. After a double 'tutt' I continued on and by total chance came across it's disused sister viaduct - which i didn't know even existed. Although it's smaller than it's still working sibling, this structure is huge and I couldn't quite belive that I'd spent my childhood in the area and never seen it before - just standing there in the trees coming from nowhere and going to nowhere. I took the opportunity to take a couple of vr's and they can be found by clicking here.

With time against me I decided to visit and photograph the viaduct over the river Nidd in Knaresborough. This was my back-up subject and is situated in a pictureque setting, and when photographed from what is locally know as 'High Bridge', has been an iconic image used on many local and regional promotional tourist material. I chose to photograph it from the spot where I used to just stare at it as a kid. I hadn't been there for 20 years and although it didn't seem quite as huge as i remeber it, it's still impressive. A view from above and from between it and 'High Bridge' are also included here.


Europe / UK-England

Lat: 54° 0' 43.2" N
Long: 2° 28' 28.8" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

5 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon 15mm fisheye, kaidan quickpan 3 spherical, 8 detent disk

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