Renewable Energy
About 10 Km southwest of Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
September 25th, 4:30 pm
© 2005 Alexander Thomsen, All Rights Reserved.
Since 1990 the wind power production costs per kilowatt were cut in half. In 2004 almost 17000 windmills produced 16.628,75 megawatts of energy in Germany which is about 4% of the electricity consumption. All renewable energy sources together produced about 8 % of the entire electricity consumption.
There is a lot more to come in the future. Diesel engines can already be converted easily and inexpensive to run on vegetable oil. All major car manufacturers are experimenting with hydrogen driven engines and solar power is also gaining importance.
All these alternative energy sources will not only result in less pollution but will also ensure that our energy needs will be met in the future because conventional energy sources (oil, gas, coal) will eventually run dry!