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(September 21–25, 2005)

Craig A. Busch

Hurricane Rita

Boštjan Burger

Tesla Coil

Technical Museum of Slovenia, Bistra, Slovenia

15:10 CEST / 22nd September 2005

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© 2005 Boštjan Burger, All Rights Reserved.

I have always admired Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) - he was the man who tamed electricity. His name is used as the unit for the density of the magnetic field.

Tesla was a mysterious person and even today, many of his doings are hard to understand. He discovered the polyphase system, researched high frequency currents and he formed the first conceptions of the global radio system and wireless transmission of energy. The fact is that almost all Tesla's inventions originate from before his 45th birthday, later there was not much to be heard about his work. Rumor has it, that he did in fact come to some astonishing discoveries that were too amazing or too important to become public knowledge. After his death, those inventions supposedly ended in the vaults of the government of US...

This pano displays an operating Tesla coil, which is part of the exhibition on Life and Work of Nikola Tesla at the Technical Museum of Slovenia.


Europe / Slovenia

Lat: 45° 56' 48" N
Long: 14° 19' 58" E

Elevation: 294 m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Nikon, Manfrotto QTVR head, (long exposition)
Slovenski opis
Wedno sem občudoval Nikolo Teslo (1856-1943) - bil je človek, ki je ukrotil elektriko. Njegovo ime je uporabljeno kot enota za gototo magnetnega polja. Bil je skrivnostna oseba in celo danes je veliko njegovih ugotovitev in odkritij težko razumeti. Odkril je večfazni sistem, raziskoval visokofrekvenčne tokove in imel je prve zamisli o svetovnem radijskem sistemu in brezžičnem prenosu energije. Dejstvo je, da večina Teslovih iznajdb izvira iz obdobja pred njegovim 45 letom, pozneje se je o njegovem delu slišalo zelo malo. Govorice so, da je v resnici prišel do nekaj osupljivih odkritij, ki so bila preveč neverjetna ali pa preveč pomembna, da bi javnost izvedela zanje. Po njegovi smrti naj bi te iznajdbe končale v trezorjih vlade ZDA... Prostorska slika prikazuje Teslov transformator, ki je del razstave o Življenju in delu Nikole Tesle v Tehničnem muzeju Slovenije.
Behind the scene : how this panorama was made
I shot the pano at 2 million Volts this time ... O.K. only 2 m away. Just enough that my camera suffered some 'death pixels', but I had already knew that I could damage the camera. Influence of the electromagnetic field of the Tesla coil to the camera was actually even smaller than I expected. I used the Manfrotto tripod and while the Tesla coil was operating, the tripod was charged - that was what I didn't expect and the first shot was a bit dramatic... and funny to the operator who was few meters behind me. However, I found and interesting fact: I loaded the Lion battery fully before I went from home but after only 10 shots nearby the coil, it was almost discharged. He... kind of experiment... and noisy one.

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