Afval Energie Bedrijf or Waste and Energy Company
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
September 23, 6.35 UTC (7.45 Local Time)
© 2005 Jan van der Woning, All Rights Reserved.
Even the rest heat of the plant is used for heating and warm water for companies in the vicinity and in the future for 15,000 homes so more then 50,000 residents of Amsterdam will be able to warm themselves from the waste that they have thrown out.
And future plans incorporate the building of the world's first high-yield Waste Fired Power Plant a fifth generation of Waste to Energy Plants that will be ready in 2006. One of the things that are already partly realised is the use of slurry and bio-gas from the adjacent sewage waste works.
About a quarter of the waste does not burn and leaves the oven as slag or bottomash. That is reprocessed in the Recovery Plant also on the premises and here iron, aluminium and copper are separated and reused. The rest material can be used as building material and roadfilling.
The AEB wants to be the best in environmental performance in Europe and play an important role in the World Wide Waste Market. See their anual report at http://www.afvalenergiebedrijf.nl/clients/gda/gda_web.nsf/v01013/ZZ0_02000000_Energie?OpenDocument (click at News and Annual Report).