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(September 21–25, 2005)

Alan Legg

Horsey Wind Turbine

Juhani Laiho

Klåsarö Power Plant

On the River Kymi in Pyhtää, southern Finland

10:40 EEST (UTC +3) 24.9.2005

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© 2005 Juhani Laiho, All Rights Reserved.

Klåsarö power plant on the River Kymi was built in three phases. Construction began in 1907 and was completed in 1925. The generating capacity was 1,8MW, annual generation 11GWh, average intake flow of about 150m3/s and average head 3,2 m. The plant was in operation until 1983, when it was shut down and the new plant was built.

Europe / Finland

Lat: 60° 31' 49" N
Long: 26° 31' 32" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

5 km
3 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Fuji S2Pro, modified 3Sixty, 100 ISO, 10.5mm Nikkor, f8 at 1,5 sec, PTMac, CubicConverter

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