Earth Deep Part Inquiry Ship "CHIKYU"
Chikyu, Nagoya-City, Aichi, Japan
September 17, 2005-11:30(JST)
© 2005 Katsufumi Nagamine, All Rights Reserved.
This is the deep earth research ship "CHIKYU" that it is spent technology of maritime power Japan, and was constructed.
"CHIKYU" is capable of about 3 times digging ability of a conventional research ship, and can dig through the sea bottom 7,500m at deep sea level of depth of the water 2,500m. Future energy and a mystery of "the methane hydrate" origin attracting attention are studied, but it is physics, the chemistry that an original study lies in earth deep part, the thing that it examines biologically. It is expected to be useful for mechanism of earthquake outbreak and elucidation of a change of earth environment.