This was an interesting challenge for me. I had more than a few ideas for this project. Energy seems to be on everybodys lips at the moment. The world is suffering from ever increasing fuel costs, 6 months ago it cost me 30% less to put fuel in the car. Citizens here have gone to jail because they objected to a pipeline carrying unprocessed natural gas under their land. They have spent nearly 90 days in jail for what they believe to be right. It was Car Free Day here yesterday, part of energy awarness week throughout Europe ... that was just a joke in this country.
The two most prominent ideas I had were an electric fence and the simple lightbulb.
We all take the lightbulb for granted until it blows and then you discover that you can't do a whole lot in the dark without one... yes I hear ye...there's lots you can do in the dark... but I'm not going there with this one.
We have a garden shed that is fast becoming a black hole. What goes in, does not come out... mainly because I'm so unorganised and count on my wife to find things for me. She has long lost patience with me and doesn't take too kindly to the idea of go fetch. I have a really good excuse though... the shed is home to spiders of the big black hairy variety... you know the ones I mean...the maneaters... only joking, but I hate spiders and there is no shortage of them in the shed.
When I was a child, I was always facinated with the workings of the lightbulb. I rember getting into trouble for smashing perfectly good lightbulbs, just to see their insides.
Because of the physical size of a lightbulb, I decided to render a lightbulb in 3D and place a spherical environment map around it, this is the panorama. The separate computer generated images were then rendered and stitched together as normal. I chose to do it this way as the size of the initial QTVR object was 1.4GB, I managed to get it down to 3mb but the quality was far from acceptable. I then rendered the images as if the were shot from a 12mm lens and it worked out pretty ok.
This WWP event has been a bit of an eyeopener for me. It has made me think of energy and what it means to us. I'm amazed at how much we waste and if we, as people, gathered all our energies together (physical, mental and spiritual) their is no telling what we could achieve.
I've saved the electric fence for another day. All I'll say is that no party should be without one.... so much fun!!