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(September 20-24, 2006)

Chiara Masiero Sgrinzatto

Die Bahn vs Trenitalia

Isaac Martinez

Okeanos Aggressor at Coco's Island

Chatham Bay, Coco's Island, Costa Rica

Sept. 24, 11:00 a.m. Local Time

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© 2006 Isaac Martinez, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License

This panorama was taken in Chatham Bay on the Okeanos Aggressor Ship that provides Diving Tours three times a month to Coco's Island. Coco's Island is a National Park and it's located 550 km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is the only island in the tropical eastern Pacific with a tropical rainforest and it has a small cloud forest in the highest place of the island. Its position as the first point of contact with the northern equatorial counter-current, and the myriad interactions between the island and the surrounding marine ecosystem, make the area an ideal laboratory for the study of biological processes. The underwater world of the national park has become famous due to the attraction it holds for divers, who rate it as one of the best places in the world to view large pelagic species such as hammerhead sharks, rays, tuna and dolphins.

Latin America / Costa Rica

Lat: 5° 33' 25.46" N
Long: 88° 3' 32.74" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Sony DSC-R1, Kaidan Panoramic Head, VRWorx, Photoshop CS2.
Caption in [alternate language]
Por su tamaño, aislamiento, y estado de conservación, Isla del Coco constituye uno de los sitios naturales privilegiados a nivel mundial. Con un endemismo importante y una diversidad biológica singular, la isla puede ser catalogada como un laboratorio natural ideal para realizar investigaciones sobre la evolución de las especies y el monitoreo del ambiente a largo plazo.

Los resultados de las investigaciones mismas podrían proporcionar importantes información sobre la dinámica de los ecosistemas del planeta y su relación con los cambios globales del ambiente marino y terrestre. De aquí su gran importancia para la humanidad.

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