Verger Belliveau Orchards
Pré-d'en-Haut, New Brunswick, Canada
2007/09/23 4:10 PM local time
© 2007 Jean Berthélémé, All Rights Reserved.
The apple tree was perhaps the earliest tree to be cultivated by humans and we have been eating apples ever since. It is one of the more sought after fruits on the planet (remember the garden of Eden?). Today there are over 7,000 different cultivars (a cultivated plant that has desirable characteristics and a unique name) of apples. Research suggests apples may help prevent some forms of cancer and chronic diseases. Apples also contain a lot of antioxidants, which help protect from cell damage. Now that's sustenance!
Verger Belliveau/Belliveau Orchards and Ferme Bourgeois/Bourgeois Farms are situated about 20 km from Moncton, in the province of New Brunswick, Canada. Apple trees were planted on this site in 1932; today this site provides sustenance for thousands of people who love the crunch, the taste and the health benefits of apples. Visit: http://www.fermebourgeoisfarms.ca/
USA-Canada / Canada-New Brunswick
Lat: 45° 56' 59" N
Long: 65° 38' 30" W
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.