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Performing Arts

(September 17-22, 2009)

Luciano Bergesch

Ceremony of the Changing the Guard

Luis Benitez

Light and Sound

Mexico City, México

September 17, 2009, 21:09 local time

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© 2009 Luis Benitez, All Rights Reserved.

Just moments before the light and sound show starts in facade of the National Palace in the Plaza of the Constitution of Mexico City, motivated by the 199th anniversary of independence from Spain. In the back we can see the buildings that surround the Zocalo are decorated with light fixtures alluding the September festivities.

Momentos previos al inicio de un espectáculo de luz y sonido sobre la fachada del edificio del Palacio Nacional en la Plaza de la Constitución de la Ciudad de México, con motivo de la celebración del 199th aniversario de la Independencia Nacional. Atrás edificios que rodean el Zócalo capitalino decorados con montajes luminosos alusivos a las festividades de Septiembre.

Latin America / Mexico

Lat: 19° 25' 57.76" N
Long: 100° 8' 59.17" W

Elevation: 2229 mts.

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Nikon D70, Panosaurus VR Head, G1564L Gitzo monopod. Stitcher Unlimited, Photoshop, CubicConverter.

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