© 2009 Roger Hein, All Rights Reserved.
The Parkwood Estate is a popular setting for film productions. A long list of feature films and television series have been shot here. One film, the 2000 movie "X-Men," used the mansion as the exterior set for "Dr. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."
Built in 1916, the Estate was once the home of R. Samuel McLaughlin, founder of GM Canada. It is now a designated National Historic Site. Open year-round visitors can enjoy a quiet walk along the manicured gardens or take a guided tour inside the mansion.
Lat: 43° 54' 16.02" N
Long: 79° 53' 2.14" W
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

Software: iMac 'AL', Capture NX2, Photoshop CS3, Bracketeer 3.3.1, Pano2VR 2.2.3