Peforming Dogs
William Street Park, Downtown San Jose, California, USA
September 19, 2009, 12:00 pm local time
© 2009 Val T. Hoang, All Rights Reserved.
When I say "performing dogs" I mean just that - OMG, I couldn't believe my eyes, they are so swift in action with precision and intelligence seen at flyball, the treat toss, the Frisbee throw, and more. The event is just pure fun, frolic and more. Click here to see FlyBall Dogs video in action.
So, what is "Flyball Dogs?" Two teams of four dogs compete against each other over an obstacle course of 4 jumps, a springloaded box with a tennis ball and then back over the 4 jumps to their over excited handler. As the first dog is returning the next team dog is released for their turn. The first team to complete the course wins the heat.
Throughout the day at various times, there are dancing dogs, dog water park, free dog agility course, flyball canine relay, the dog in costume, silly dog tricks, and pet-owner look alike contests. These "Performing Dogs" from Great Dane to Pocket Chihuahua had their day, performed and surely entertained the audience of over 10,000 visitors. The sunny park is filled with dogs barking and human applause.
A portion of the proceeds benefits the Humane Society Silicon Valley and the San Jose Animal Care Center.