The Bowl of Regeneration, 碗若新生
Tao-Mi Eco-Village, Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan, 台灣 南投縣埔里鎮 桃米生態村
September 20, 2009, 09:58 UTC (17:58 TPE)
© 2009 Walker Young, All Rights Reserved.
"Regeneration" and 921 Jiji Earthquake Community Reconstruction Photographic Exhibition
The 10th annual retrospect of the 921 Jiji Earthquake
Epicentre: 23.85°N 120.82°E
An unprecedentedly heaviest earthquake in the past century shattered Taiwan at 1:47 a.m. on September 21st, 1999.
The epicentre was in Jiji in Nantou county in central Taiwan with a hypocentre of 8 KM in depth, registering 7.3 on the Richter Magnitude scale.
The intense quake which lasted up to 102 seconds resulted in the dislocation of the Chelongpu Fault with a surface-faulting up to 80 KM in length, 2,455 deaths, and the whole-collapse of 50,652 houses.
The whole nation has thus begun the largest scale of "action of love" in history fully demonstrating the amazing vitality of the Taiwanese.
We witness the regeneration of the people and the land. —from the waste land(1922) by T. S. Eliot
震央:23.85°N 120.82°E
震央:23.85°N 120.82°E
人與土地,在廢墟中,新生。 * 引用自20世紀最偉大的一首英文詩,艾略特(T. S. Eliot)的《荒原》。
"Regeneration" and 921 Jiji Earthquake Community Reconstruction Photographic Exhibition
Lat: 23° 56' 30.55" N
Long: 120° 55' 38.98" E
Elevation: 470
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.