A Most Unusual Pharmacy
Wall, South Dakota, USA
September 23, 2010, 15:06 MDT (Mountain Daylight Time)
© 2010 Charles M. (Chuck) Lampman, All Rights Reserved.
In 1936 the wife of a struggling pharmacist named Ted Hustead in this 231 person town got the idea of offering free ice water to hot and thirsty tourists on the way to see the newly opened Mount Rushmore memorial 60 miles to the west. Business boomed, and Wall Drug began to morph into a cowboy themed shopping mall/department store that became a destination itself. While most malls have individually owned shops, the third-generation of Husteads still own and operate the entire enterprise.
Signs and billboards for Wall Drug are found at the South Pole, in Afganistan and on over 500 miles of I-90, from Minnesota to Billings, Montana. I have seen them in Tennessee and Kentucky, and always wondered what the place was.
Among the dozens of shops you can buy most anything (they still fill prescriptions), including 5 cent coffee in the cafe. If you are a veteran, stop in for free coffee and a donut!
A quick scan of the license plates outside showed cars from Alaska, Texas, Washington, California, Georgia and many nearby states. Truly a crossroads!
Lat: 43° 59' 35.63" N
Long: 103° 15' 30.46" W
Elevation: 2818 ft
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.