Albania's Recent History
Albania, somewhere in the south
September 19, 2011, 10:15 local time
© 2011 Jean Guy Lathuilière, All Rights Reserved.
Enver Hoxha, the country's tyrannical and paranoiac dictator forced Albania into severe isolation during more than forty years so that nobody could get into or out of the country.
He also ordered some 600,000 bunkers built at any place which could have a defensive location, especially on the coastline and even along dusty roads, where no one were passing by. The only purpose was to protect the dictatorial regime from possible attacks that, during these forty years, really never came.
Some say that under Hoxha's Stalinian hegemony, 700,000 bunkers were erected all over Albania, which, after the Second World War, only had 1,500,000 inhabitants!
Lat: 39° 54' 30" N
Long: 20° 0' 11" E
Elevation: 110 m
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.
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