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(July 1 – September 30, 2024)

Cibula Vincent


Christian Braut

The future would be swimming in the Seine

Le Port-Marly (Yvelines), France

September 19 2024, 14:25 UTC (16:25 local)

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© 2024 Christian Braut, All Rights Reserved.


A long time ago people used to bathe in the Seine which can be seen here at Le Port-Marly not far from Paris.

In 1988 President Jacques Chirac promised to make the river safe for bathing again and to prove it by swimming in the Seine. A promise that was not kept.

On the other hand Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo swam in the Seine on July 17 2024 nine days before the start of the Paris Olympic Games as she had promised. The mayor swam alongside Tony Estanguet the president of the Olympic Games organizing committee.

It is almost certain that in the future the Seine will be suitable for swimming. But nobody knows when ;-)


Taken with a Nikon D810 + AF Fisheye-Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D mounted on a Nodal Ninja 3 MkII head. One row of six shots + zenith/nadir. Optimized with Photoshop/Camera Raw, stitched with PTGui and KRPano Tools.

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