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(July 1 – September 30, 2024)

Reinhard Schmolze


Iñaki Rezola

Guessing the future: in the mist and without any maps!!!

Sierra de Urbasa, Navarra, Spain.

July 26 2024, 18:17 hs. local time.

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© 2024 Iñaki Rezola, All Rights Reserved.


I had no ideas what to contribute to this WWP entry.

Sometimes I have two or three from the beginning, but for 'Future', nothing. Nothing clear, I mean. You can imagine so many contradictory possibilities! It was during a hike at the end of July that the image that I was looking for - or rather of my inability to guess it - kind of materialized before my eyes, like a flash. We had reached the top of the cliff. Only the nearer features were recognizable. The information panels in the park being under renovation, there was no map. No views, no landscape in the middle of that mist. I just had to take the pics. I expect the image encapsulates my perplexity.

What will the future look like?
This is a look at the present in the morning news :

- Climate change and it's consequences -you can believe in it or not-.

- Accelerated transition to cleaner energy sources, extreme social and economical inequalities, massive migrations worldwide.

- Major stock indices, tech giants, cryptos, recession, unemployment, weight loss drugs and chip makers, companies buy companies, growing international economic competition.

- Huge investments and controversy concerning AI with no (or minimum) control guarantee.

- Democracies under attack by extremists of all kind, helped by the Silicon Valley's Big Tech's "brazen fuelling of xenophobic rhetoric". "Moguls of Misinformation" and private media diffuse fake images, "alternative facts" and plain lies in service of their personal interest and those of their sponsors. The internet: "superspreader of misinformation for decades now".

- Wars (some of them, the rest are ignored like they never existed).

- Recurring fears of a digital blackout...

(I stop at this point… good news hardly ever get any coverage, seemingly).

Our world is constantly changing and now it may be facing significant and unexpected transformations in a relatively short term, this is a turning point, we are said. And then the World Wide Panorama asks us what we think about how will the future look like... Well, I thought, the only thing that I can say is that I just don't know. Taking a look at the present, to me it is like trying to guess the shapes of a landscape in the mist with the help of a non existing map!

But let us be with optimistic. It's free.


Europe / Spain

Lat: 42° 52' 15.68" N
Long: 3° 10' 37.81" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.


Z8, 7Artisans 10mm, monopod, home made panohead, NX Studio, PTGui Pro

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