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Best of 2005

(January 1st - December 31st, 2005)

Relic Graffix

The Spot

Nikolay Grabchuk

Genova Fortress, Devichya [literally - Girl's] Tower

Sudak, South-Eastern Crimea, Ukraine

May 4, 2005

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© 2005 Nikolay Grabchuk, All Rights Reserved.

A legend says that once in this divinely beautiful place there lived a princess. Her parents wanted her to marry a guy whom they saw as most appropriate. As you have already probably guessed, there was a problem: she loved someone else and refused to obey.

As a disciplinary measure very popular among princesses' parents in those dark times, she was confined in a tower at the top of the Genova Fortress for a chance to reconsider her position. Well, the only option she saw was - yes, you guessed it again - to jump down from the window and die. Hence the name - the Girl's Tower - which is supposed to remind us of the power of an exalted girl's love.

Nowadays, Sudak is a famous Crimean seaside resort, and the Genova Fortress is deemed one of the most eminent objects of note in Crimea.

Translated into English by Kirill Manucharov
A collection of Crimean panoramas

Europe / Ukraine

Lat: 44° 50' 18" N
Long: 34° 57' 30" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Nikon CoolPix 4500 + FC-E8, handheld
Caption in Russian
Жила была принцесса в этом красивом месте, в мрачные средние века когда принцесс заставляли выходить замуж по расчету, а не по любви. Принцесса не хотела по расчету, и противилась родителям. Родители заперли ее в башне на самом верху Генуэзской крепости, да бы та одумалась и согласилась со своей участью. Но девушка решила по-другому, и бросилась вниз из своего заточения. С тех пор эта башня зовется Девичьей, напоминая о силе девичьей любви.

Сейчас Судак известный курорт в Крыму и Генуэзская крепость одна из главных достопримечательностей Крыма.

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