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Best of 2006

(January 1st - December 31st, 2006)

Felipe González y Aura Castro

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Roberto Gómez Torres

God's Bridge (Puente de Dios)

Tamasopo, San Luis Potosí State, México

November 19, 2006 - 15:55 Local Time

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© 2007 Roberto Gómez Torres, All Rights Reserved.


The Best of 2006

Like all years that come to an end, looking back and remembering, anyone can find good memories and cheery experiences, happy moments, love, friendship, fun, learning, trips, problems, solutions and also some sad moments. In 2006, without a doubt, I had a little of all that.

Among many of those good and unforgettable moments I had the opportunity to take more virtual panoramas than in past years: Job and commercial panoramas and also a lot of personal panoramas visiting many places in México and some other countries.

And not having enough of that, with the company of my best friends, I went back to an activity I used to love and enjoy so much when I was a boy and teenager: Going camping. Being out of the big city for a few days and again feeling the close contact with Mother Nature at those places which still have their original beauty has been for me the best that 2006 brought to me.

From those camping moments here in México I took the present virtual panorama for the best of 2006 World Wide Panorama event. Being a virtual panorama the closest thing to being there.

The Panorama

On this virtual panorama I show you a beautiful place located in a Mexican region called The Huasteca Potosina. The place is named God's Bridge where 3 small rivers join near the peak of the mountains. One of the rivers is born at that spot from underground starting it's trip down from inside a cave. These small rivers of pure and crystalline water merge in a series of giant bowls creating wonderful waterfalls.

If you want to go there you must go to Ciudad Valles in the state of San Luis Potosí, México and take the road by car to the town of Río Verde. Less than an hour by car from Ciudad Valles you will find the town of Tamasopo where the God's Bridge is located.

Hope you like the view !!!


Lo Mejor del 2006

Como todos los años que terminan, al mirar hacia atrás y hacer un recuento, uno se encuentra con recuerdos y experiencias alegres, momentos felices, amor, amistad, diversión, aprendizaje, viajes, problemas, soluciones y algunos momentos tristes. El 2006 sin duda trajo de todo ello un poco para mí.

Dentro de esos buenos e inolvidables momentos tuve la oportunidad de tomar más panoramas que en años anteriores. Panoramas para fines comerciales y de trabajo tanto como panoramas personales visitando muchos lugares tanto en mi país como en el extranjero.

Y como si ello fuera poco, con la compañía de mis amigos más cercanos pude regresar a una actividad que desde niño y joven siempre amé y disfrutaba muchísimo. El salir de campamento. El salir de la gran ciudad, volver a sentir y disfrutar el cercano contacto con la naturaleza en esos lugares que el hombre aún no ha modificado en su belleza orignal ha sido para mí de lo mejor que tuvo este año que ha terminado.

De esos momentos acampando por México se desprende el presente panorama que he publicado en este evento mundial de panoramas. Siendo un panorama virtual lo más cercano ha estar ahí.

El Panorama

En este panorama les muestro un hermoso lugar que se encuentra en la Huasteca Potosina. Se llama Puente de Dios y es un lugar en dónde se unen tres pequeños ríos. Uno de ellos nace desde el subsuelo en ese lugar e inicia su camino abajo dentro de una cueva. Estos pequeños ríos de agua pura y cristalina se unen en una especia de fosa creando bellísimas cascadas.

Para llegar a este lugar hay que partir de Ciudad Valles en el estado de San Luis Potosí y tomar la carretera que va hacia Río Verde. A poco menos de una hora de camino desde Ciudad Valles se encuentra la población de Tamasopo la cual alberga este hermoso lugar.

¡ Espero les agrade esta vista panorámica !
Tiempo Digital - Multimedia Analysis, Design and Development

Latin America / Mexico

Lat: 21° 56' 9.48" N
Long: 100° 25' 24.89" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

50 km
30 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Taken with a Nikon D70s Single Lens Reflex (SLR) digital camera and the Sigma EX 8mm F4 fisheye lens. Mounted on an iPix panoramic rotator head. Stitched using Nikon Capture, PTGui and Adobe Photoshop CS2 under Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Self made Windows software "Quicky Pano" for QuickTime VR conversion.

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com