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Best Of 2010

(January 1st - December 30th, 2010)

Iñaki Rezola

Granada, View from the Alhambra

Carsten T. Rees

Near the Harbour of Straupitz

Straupitz in Spreewald, Brandenburg, Germany

August 31, 2010, 16:10 CEST

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© 2010 Carsten T. Rees, All Rights Reserved.

The "Spreewald" (German for Spree forest) is located about 100km southeast of Berlin. It covers an area of 484 square kilometers. In this area the river Spree distinctly branches out into a system of more than 200 channels—some about ten, others less than one meter wide. These channels are called „Fließe“ and their length eventually adds up to around 1,300 kilometers. In the Spreewald area you'll encounter alder forests, wetlands, pine forests, grasslands and fields. Take a look at this pub deep within the alder forest.

The small town of Straupitz is located at the northern rim of the Spreewald and was first mentioned in a legal document dating from the 30th of April, 1294. The most prominent building of Straupitz is the church that was built by Karl Friedrich Schinkel in 1832, one which represents an important classicistic monument. In the panorama you can see the top of its two towers. The building to the right of the church is the historical granary: Behind the trees on the right side of the granary there is a small harbour for the typical Spreewald punting boats. This is one right on leaving Lübbenau harbour.

If you follow the road down from the church you can see a small part of Straupitz Castle, a baroque building.

Europe / Germany

Lat: 51° 54' 34.6" N
Long: 14° 7' 9.07" E

Elevation: 54 m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon EOS 5D, Canon 15mm, Nodal Ninja R1, DXO, PTGui Pro, Photoshop

Carsten T. Rees

Near the Harbour of Straupitz

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