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Best Of 2010

(January 1st - December 30th, 2010)

Brian Richards

The Three Maidens Fountain

Iñaki Rezola

Granada, View from the Alhambra

Granada, Andalucía, Spain

April 8, 2010, 12:53 local time

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© 2010 Iñaki Rezola, All Rights Reserved.


ENGLISH CAPTION Once again: the difficult task to decide my best/favourite whatever panorama of the year. This time I'm not making another "best-12's- collage" like I did for the precedent two last ones. I've chosen an overall view of Granada taken from the Alhambra's Alcazaba. And this is for several reasons:

First: because the Alhambra is such an iconic location.

Second: because we enjoyed ourselves enormously during the days that we spent last April in Andalucía.

Third: because I like the pic. I expect you do so too!


Encore: la difficulté d'élire mon meilleur/préféré/n'importe-quoi panorama de l'année. Cette fois je n'ai pas fait de 'collage-avec-12-de-mes-favoris', comme je le fis pour les deux occasions précedentes. J'ai élu une vue générale de Grenade, prise de l'alcazaba, à l'Alhambra. Et ceci pour des raison différentes:

D'abord: l'Alhambra et Grenade son tellement iconiques.

Après: parce qu'on a joui énormement de notre sejour en Andalousie, Avril dernier.

Et pour finir: parce que j'aime la photo.

Voilà, j'espère que vous l'aimez aussi!

Europe / Spain

Lat: 37° 10' 37.4" N
Long: 4° 36' 32.64" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
30 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
D300+10,5, self-made panohead, monopod, Capture NX, PTGui-Panotools, Photoship, Superrune filters
Vista de Granada desde la Alhambra
De nuevo: la dificultad de elegir mi mejor/favorito/o-lo-que-sea panorama del año. Esta vez no he montado otro collage con 'los doce mejores', como hice en las dos anteriores ocasiones. He elegido un panorama de Granada desde la alcazaba, en la Alhambra. Por varias razones:

Primera: por lo icónico del emplazamiento.

Segunda: porque disfrutamos muchísimo de nuestra estancia en Andalucía, allá por Abril.

Tercera: porque me gusta la foto. Y espero que a ustedes también.
Granadako bista orokorra -Alhambraren alcazabatik hartuta
Berriz: urteko panoramarik hoberen/gustokoen/dena-delakoaren aukera egiteko zailtasuna. Honako honetan ez dut egin "ene-12-gogokoenen-muntaia" aurreko bietan bezala. Granadako bista orokorra -Alhambraren alcazabatik hartuta- aukeratu dut, hainbat arrazoi direla medio:

Hasteko: lekuaren berezitasuna.

Gero: oso gustora ibili ginelako Andaluzian, joan den Apirilean.

Eta bukatzeko: argazkia gogokoa dudalako. Ea baita zuek ere.

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com