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Best Of 2012

(January 1st — December 31st, 2012)

Brian Richards

Český Krumlov

Iñaki Rezola

Singing in the Rain

Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, Spain

Nov. 11 2012, 15:53 local time

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© 2012 Iñaki Rezola, All Rights Reserved.

We were spending a november weekend in eastern Cantabria. The weather report was awful, and reality only proved it right. So I did not have great expectations as taking pics goes. Anyway the continuous swinging between heavy showers and the sun's short and shy appearings produced some nice rainbows and beautiful moments, like the one in the picture. In the middle of a sunny moment a heavy rain started. I did not have any tripods or whatever with me, of course, so I put the camera on top of my head and with the invaluable help of my umbrella did a try and started turning around (I had already done that before). It was something unexpected, and that's the main reason why I have chosen this pic (if you want to see some more try here.

Europe / Spain

Lat: 43° 22' 57.8" N
Long: 4° 14' 2.37" W

Elevation: 6

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
D300, Nikkor 10,5, an umbrella, Capture NX, PTGui-Panotools, PS, Superrune filters, Pano2VR
Cantando bajo la lluvia
Estábamos pasando un fin de semana de noviembre por el oriente de Cantabria. La previsión del tiempo era espantosa y la realidad lo corroboró plenamente, así que no esperaba sacar demasiadas fotos. Pero los continuos cambios de tiempo entre chaparrones furiosos entremezclados con tímidas salidas del sol acabaron produciendo arcoiris espectaculares y momentos preciosos, como el de este panorama. No llevaba trípode ni nada por el estilo, por supuesto, así que me puse la cámara sobre la cabeza y con la inestimable ayuda de mi paraguas empezé a girar sacando fotos (no era la primera vez que lo hago, precisamente). Fue algo inesperado, y esa es la principal razón por la que la he decidido mostrar esta toma (para ver más fotografías de ese fin de semana, clicar aquí).
Euripean abeslari
Joan den Azaroan asteburu bat ekialdeko Kantabrian ari ginen pasatzen, nahiz eta eguraldia txarra izango zela iragarrita egon. Eta ederki bete ere iragarri hori! Beraz ez nuen espero argazki handirik egin. Hala ere, eguraldiaren etengabeko aldaketek -euri zaparrada gogorrak eta eguzkiaren bapateko agerraldien artean- ortzadar ederrak eta momentu bitxiak sortu zituzten, argazkian ikus daitekeen moduan. Ez nuen nirekin inolako tripode edo antzekorik, noski, beraz kamara buru gainean jarri eta euritakoaren laguntza ezin aproposagoarekin hasi nintzen biraka argazkiak ateratzen (lehen behin baino gehiagotan erabili dudan prozedura, bide batez esana). Horregatik aukeratu dut argazki hau, aldezaurretik erabat ustezina nuelako. Honelako argazki gehiago ikusi nahi badituzu, klikatu hemen.

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com