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Best Of 2012

(January 1st — December 31st, 2012)

J Pat Marse

The Zilker Tree

Roberto Mancuso

A Midsummer Night's Pano

Cividale del Friuli, Italy

2012 August 13 - 00,08 hour

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© 2012 Roberto Mancuso, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License


This is Duomo's square in Cividale del Friuli, a nice little town in north east of Italy. It was founded, around 50 B.C.,by Giulio Cesare, roman emperor: its roman name was Forum Julii and from it the whole region got the name "Friuli". You can see his statue when you look around in this pano. Then, during High Middle Age, it became the capitol of first Longobard Dukedom in Italy. Probably you already saw in my past contributes to Wwp some panos of other corners of this town, particularly at this link: http://worldwidepanorama.org/go/n2904 one of Tempietto Longobardo, a little church dated around VIII century, that was recently included in Unesco World Heritage. I hope other panos of my native city will be soon available on my "only panos web site" now in beta version.


Questa e' una vista notturna di piazza del Duomo a Cividale del Friuli, una graziosa cittadina del Friuli orientale. Fu fondata da Giulio Cesare, imperatore romano, nel 50 circa a.C. col nome di Forum Julii che dette poi il nome a tutta la regione: Friuli. In seguito, nell'Alto Medioevo, divenne sede del primo Ducato Longobardo in Italia. Probabilmente avrete gia' visto altre panoramiceh di Cividale nei miei contributi precedenti proprio su Wwp. In particolare, al link: http://worldwidepanorama.org/go/n2904 una del Tempietto Longobardo, datato circa VIII secolo, che e' stato recentemente inserito nel Patrimonio dell'Umanita' dell'Unesco. Spero che presto sara' online un mio sito, dedicato esclusivaemnte alla fotografia panoramica, attualmente in versione beta, con altre foto immersive della mia citta' natale.

Europe / Italy

Lat: 46° 5' 35" N
Long: 13° 25' 52" E

Elevation: 135 s.l.m.

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Camera: Nikon D70s, Lens: Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye, Panohead: Agno's TCP, Tripod: Feisol carbon fiber, Software PTGui, CubicConverter, Photoshop.

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