Defile on the Nimberg
Nimberg near Nimburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
April 5th 2012, 11:15 CEST
© 2012 Carsten T. Rees, All Rights Reserved.
In this panorama you can see a crossroad at a defile, which is located in the middle of a vineyard. The ground is loess – a clastic, predominantly silt-sized sediment, which is formed by the accumulation of wind-blown dust. Loess is very fertile and soft, so over the centuries ox-carts and horse-waggons dug their way deeper and deeper into it.
The loess defiles form a very special ecological habitat. There are little holes in the loess walls, inhabited by rare species of insects, spiders and reptiles. But not only the fauna, even the flora is very special in these defiles - a paradise for botanists.
I have chosen this panorama for the theme “culture” since it demonstrates a man-made landscape. Most of the land in Central Europe has been shaped and reshaped by man over the centuries.
Lat: 48° 5' 45.95" N
Long: 7° 46' 34.42" E
Elevation: 231 m
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.