Esther Kao & Fan Day Joint Art Exhibition — "天馬行空真有依思" 高依、范肇天雙人畫展
Da'an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan — 台北市 大安區
June 25, 2013, 05:44 UTC (13:44 TPE)
© 2013 Walker Young, All Rights Reserved.
they had a joint art exhibition in Taipei of their drawings of the record of their inward growth.
台灣14歲的亞斯伯格女孩(Esther Kao)與香港12歲過動症男孩(Fan Day)用繪畫記錄自己成長的共同畫展
Lat: 25° 2' 18.85" N
Long: 121° 33' 7.12" E
Elevation: 39.2
Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.