Ruins of Château de Crussol
St. Péray in the Rhône Valley, Ardèche, France
2.30 PM (local), 1:30 PM (GMT)
© 2004 Guillaume Fulchiron, All Rights Reserved.
The whole of the ruins extends on 3 hectares, including the village (the Villette), that is to say a hundred houses sheltered behind a first rampart and the castle itself.
Property of the family of Uzès, the lord residence will cease being inhabited in 15th century At the time of the wars of religion, the site finds its military utility: Invested by the Protestants in 1573, it will be consolidated and fortifications refitted. The Catholics will come however to end and it will be finally destroyed at the 17th century. Work of restoration has been undertaken for a few years and the visit makes it possible to discover a fabulous medieval unit.
The Rhône Valley in France is one of the main route linking Northern and southern Europe. Whether you're on the road or in train you can't miss this particular outine of Château of Crussol at the West side of the Rhône near Valence area. Some say it is visible fom 40 towns around.
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