Cutting Day in Monterey
Friendly Plaza, near Colton Hall, Monterey, California, USA
9:12 AM, 18 March 2005
Although the city parks department gave away tree seedlings at the side tables this year, the event is primarily dependent on the home gardeners who bring cuttings, potted plants, bulbs, and plant material of all sorts. There is no structure to the swapping – first come, first served, and may the most insistent waver win.
This year's event was staffed by Parks Department employees and volunteers, Monterey Kiwanis, and volunteers from the Defense Language Institute.
The pioneer gallery of the ten dozen in town is the <a href="http://www.carmelart.org/" target="_blank">Carmel Art Association</a> on Dolores Street. The building sits above the throng surrounded by coast live oak trees, and in six rooms inside, the wares of 120 member artists are displayed and offered for sale. There is so much stuff there isn't room to hang it all.
I've included a view of <a href="http://www.brooxes.com/CAA-outside.mov" target="_blank">the outside of the gallery</a> with at least seven other galleries across the street. The day was overcast and the tourists absent, so the street was quiet. <a href="http://www.brooxes.com/CAA-inside.mov" target="_blank">Inside the gallery, </a>the same was true, with just one couple looking at paintings when I took the picture.
I chose Cutting Day as the more appropriate submission because in contrast to the lovely but deserted gallery, Cutting Day had lots of people braving the elements to get a new prize for their gardens.
After the time limit for this project passed, it occurred to me that another significant local Marketplace was the <a href="http://www.brooxes.com/LastChance.mov" target="_blank">Last Chance Mercantile.</a> This is a retail store run by (and located at) the Monterey County Waste Management Facility – the county dump. Anything that may be saleable is given one more shot at a useful life before cremation and burial in the landfill: books, clothing, medical and household equipment, broken bikes, and so on.
I photographed this Marketplace on March 28, but thought it was better to offer it here late than not at all.