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(March 17–20, 2005)

Thomas Mottl

Weekly Market

Mike Morper

$650 Today, $225 Tomorrow

Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

March 20, 2005 (12:42 Local Time)

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© 2005 Mike Morper, All Rights Reserved.

For this project, I planned to shoot an old store along Interstate 5 (the road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas). This road used to be called Route 66. A road with some nice American history to it.

But much to my frustration, I couldn't find anything of great interest. So I figured, well I'm in Vegas, I'm bound to find something symbolizing Marketplace. Little did I know it would be room 17-169 at the Venetian Hotel.

You see, I was staying at the hotel for one week while my company put on a large event at the hotel. Upon arrival, I discover that they were not expecting me for another day. With my family in tow (5 year old and 5 month old), I was not eager to go find another place.

They informed me that I would have to pay "current market value" for the room that day. $650.00! Nevermind that I was responsible for the event taking place that week for my company. And that we would have well over 500 room nights, plus several large, formal dinners to pay for throughout the week.

Yup, even the guy who's budget pays for all of that still got hosed. I had to pay the $650 for the room that night. And of course, the same room the following day reduced in rate to $225. Yup, that's a marketplace if I ever found one.
If you happen to be on a Mac, check out the Pangea viewer version of this image. The Pangea viewer is an OpenGL accelerated viewer. The difference is amazing.


USA-Canada / USA-Nevada

Lat: 36° 7' 20.64" N
Long: 116° 11' 16.68" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon 20D, Bogen 303 SPH, PTMac, Noise Ninja, Cubic Converter, Mastercard :)

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