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(March 17–20, 2005)

Alexander Thomsen

Saturday Market

Olivier Thoby

The Old Farmer's Market

Revel, East of Toulouse, France

19 of March 2005; 11:00 Am (local time)

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© 2005 Olivier Thoby, All Rights Reserved.

Old farmer's market: this words could have two different meanings in this case.

Held every Saturday since the sixteenth century in the charming small town, this market is certainly old.

But the farmers who sell a small basket of eggs, some flowers or a couple of pigeons are now all elderly and getting older and older. There are fewer of them left as time passes by.

No young person would do that for a living anymore in the future.

I sadly think that we see near the end of it.

Europe / France

Lat: 43° 27' 30" N
Long: 2° 0' 17" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
EOS 20D on a monopode

Sigma FE 8mm
Le marché au gras à Revel (31)
La halle centrale abrite le marché "au gras" dans ce charmant village 50km à l'est de Toulouse, au pied de la montagne noire.

Des fermiers y vendent un panier d'oeufs ou une poule, voire quelques fleurs ou légumes depuis cinq siècles.

Mais ces vendeurs deviennent de plus en plus vieux et moins nombreux au fur et à mesure des années.

Est-ce donc la fin d'une époque?

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