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(March 15–21, 2006)

Martin Vejrosta

Red Church

Andrew Varlamov

Supporters of Football Team 'Zenit' Near Stadium 'Petrovsky'

Saint Petersburg, Russia

March 16, 2006 - 18:30 local time

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© 2006 Andrew Varlamov, All Rights Reserved.

To watch a football (soccer) match at Stadium 'Petrovsky' you need to pass through three lines of militsia (municipal police) officers. Militsia officers wear combat-style woodland-colored jackets and black shiny helmets.

First line must avoid overcrowding at the next lines. Second line performs personal control of spectators (alcohol drinks, petards are prohibited). The second line stands at the start of the bridge. The bridge joins Petrovsky island with Petrogradsky island and cross over the Zhdanovka river. The last line performs ticket control.

Presence of this artifical border influences persons visible in the foreground. In my opinion, this couple awaits someone else. Running youngster is looking for extra ticket or free of charge invitation. The men near the stone parapet are going to leave this sunny place: one of them ties up his shoelace, the other man just finished drinking his can of beer.

Today FC 'Zenit' encounters Olimpique de Marseille in UEFA Cup Round of 16 second-leg. Find information about final score You can in the match report written by Eugene Ravdin.

Europe / Russia-Urals West

Lat: 59° 57' 12" N
Long: 30° 17' 11.36" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

5 km
3 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Hardware: Pentax *ist 35 mm film camera, Fisheye MC Zenitar-K (Pentax) 16mm f/2.8 lens, shoted on Fuji Reala ISO 100 film at 1/8s f/2.8, scanned by CreoScitex Eversmart pro 2 scanner at 2540 dpi resolution (maximal optical resolution), Falcon Eyes tripod, self-made panoramic head.

Software: Adobe Photoshop (for removing of crops after film scanning and layer masking), PTGui 5.7 (registered version) (for pano stitching), PanoTools by Helmut Dersch (for pano creating), Pano2QTVR version 0.9.0 by Thomas Rausher (for MOV-making).
Caption in Russian - Болельщики футбольного клуба 'Зенит' у стадиона 'Петровский'
Чтобы увидеть футбольный матч на стадионе "Петровский" нужно пройти через три линии милиционеров. Работники милиции экипированы боевыми жилетами защитного цвета и черными блестящими шлемами.

Первая линия должна предотвращать наплыв зрителей на следующие линии. Вторая линия проводит персональный досмотр зрителей (алкогольные напитки и петарды запрещены). Стоит она в начале моста. Этот мост соединяет Петровский остров с Петроградским островом и проложен через речку Ждановку. Третья линия стоит перед входом на стадион и участвует в проверке билетов.

Близость этой искусственной границы влияет на людей, видимых на переднем плане. Мне кажется, эта парочка кого-то поджидает. Бегущий подросток ищет лишний билет или бесплатный пропуск. Люди около гранитного парапета собираются покинуть это солнечное местечко: один из них завязывает шнурок, другой только что допил банку пива.

Сегодня ФК 'Зенит' проводит ответную встречу с 'Олимпиком' из Марселя в 1/16 розыгрыша Кубка УЕФА. О том, как завершится матч, можно узнать в послематчевом отчете, подготовленном Евгением Равдиным.

Самая интересная статья об истории стадиона 'Петровский', которую мне удалось найти в интернете, написана Юрием Бржежинским.
Behind the scene : how this panorama was made
I was going to make panorama of small art gallery located near metro station 'Sportivnaya'. I came there in time but found no shopping activity, only sellers. But streets around the gallery were crowded by team supporters dressed in white-blue skarfs and hats and decorated by white-blue flags with 'ZENIT' symbols and inscriptions. It was football rush ! (When I say 'football', i mean 'soccer'). This day 'ZENIT' played against 'Marseiile' of France. It was second game of 1/8 final in UEFA Cup.

Weather conditions were excelent - air temperature was 3 degree of Celsius below zero, light wind, light snow, absense of clouds, and evening Sun trying to look into my camera's lens. I measured exposure time in shadows and in lights and set exposure time equal to 1/90 of second, f/2.8 to catch figures of team supporters moving in different directions around me. Everyone was busy and nobody paid attention while i installed tripod, loaded film (Fuji Reala ISO 100) and mounted camera on tripod. I became invisible man. Fish-eye lens is amazing toy, everybody thinks that he is away of range of shooting! But height of tripod was low and point of view is unsuitable for any tall man.

The place of shooting is very familiar for me. When I learned in school we visited the stadium to skate at outer ring covered by ice. When I learned in University we had got competitions in light athletics at reserved field near the stadium.

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com