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(March 18-27, 2011)

Nick Qusst


Erik Krause

Successful Limit

Wyhl, Kaiserstuhl, southwest corner of Germany

March 25, 2011, 17:46 local time

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© 2011 Erik Krause, All Rights Reserved.

This is the place where people put a limit to the plans for a nuclear power plant more than 30 years ago. The construction site was already established, trees were cut. Now the place is a lowland forest again.

It was the start of the anti-nuclear-power movement in Germany. The protests in this place from 1973 until 1983 showed that it is possible to stop the madness that currently shows at its worst in Fukushima.

"Nai hämmer gsait!" This means "We said no!", in the local dialect spoken in all three countries which met nearby, was the slogan of those who fought against the proposed nuclear power plant between Kaiserstuhl and Rhine. Many thanks to those who began. It is our duty now to carry on.

The possibility a nuclear reactor could burst was a theoretical fear in the beginning. One serious incident in 10,000 years was the probability given by the operating companies. But after Harrisburg and Chernobyl the third worst-case scenario within 30 years is going on in Fukushima these days.

It should be pretty obvious meanwhile that nuclear power can not be safely controlled. Our sympathy should be with the people in Japan but our goal should be to stop nuclear power. Now and everywhere!

Instead of the nuclear power station a fitness trail was built in this area which later was abandoned. I shot it for the WWP "Forests" event.

Now the area is a nature reserve.

Europe / Germany

Lat: 48° 11' 9.6" N
Long: 7° 38' 29.04" E

Elevation: 177m

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon EOS 5D II, Zenitar 16mm fisheye, DPP, PTGui Pro, Photoshop

Erik Krause

Successful Limit

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