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(June 20-25, 2006)

Rob Marks

Rainforest Biome

Roberto Mancuso

Childhood Garden (Pixie's Garden)

Ciniselllo Balsamo, Milano, Italy

17,20 UTC - 23/06/2006

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© 2006 Roberto Mancuso, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License


This time I thought to youth garden, not a common one, so I took pictures of Pixie's Garden, a childhood garden near Milan. There were many children, just woked up after the afternoon sleep, eating something in this room, used not only for eat, but also for other activities. I was welcomed by their smile, aren't they wonderful flowers? It's very important for our future to believe in them.


Questa volta ho pensato a un giradino d'infanzia, invece che ad un giradino in senso stretto, cosi' ho fotografato "Il Giardino Di Pixie", asilo nido in quel di Cinisello Balsamo (Mi). C'erano diversi bimbi, appena svegliatisi dal riposo pomeridiano, che stavano facendo merenda in questa stanza, usata non solo per mangiare, ma anche per altre attivita'. sono stato accolto dai loro sorrisi: sembrano anche a voi fiori meravigliosi? E' molto importante credere in loro, per il nostro futuro.

Europe / Italy

Lat: 45° 33' 12" N
Long: 9° 12' 42" E

Elevation: 157

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Camera: Nikon D70s; Pano head: Agno's Cubic; Tripod Manfrotto (Bogen) 058; software: PTMac.

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