Feira da Linguagem
Colégio São Vicente de Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
22 september 2007 saturday, at 11:30 am local time (-3 UTM)
© 2007 A Y R T O N, All Rights Reserved.
I was thinking about what was the exact meaning for me and I tought about the future. And the future is in the hands of our children's, more specifcally with their studies , their schools ...
This scene was shot at a Language Fair Show that happens every year at my kid's school. He's the one using a red t-shirt. Eric is his name, derivated from my admiration to Eric Meola a great photographer that I always admired his work.
At that Fair, lots of projects, studies, expositions, videos, photographs, teathers, and the books. Those are the important ones, they carry the "future" in their pages to everybody who reads it.
I really think that our future, our sustenance is the hands of those little guys like my son Eric, his friends Rafinha and Zequinha (close to him) and also my other son, Nicholas who isn't at this panorama, BUT was at the last WWP event.
Thanks to all, and please take a look at my website too, and being there take the time to write some comments pls. Bye
Lat: 23° 57' 22.69" S
Long: 44° 12' 45.23" W
Elevation: 59 meters
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.