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(September 18-23, 2008)

Tim Hatch

Cliffs near Ledbetter Beach

Alain Hamblenne

Coloured hats

Rue Saint-Gilles, Liège, Belgium

September 23th, 2008 at 05:28 PM (GMT + 1 hour)

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© 2008 Alain Hamblenne, All Rights Reserved.

Ariane Lespire was born in Liège, Belgium. She graduated in architecture but, after a few years designing houses, she decided to devote all her time to draw and manufacture fashion accessories where she can show her very personal and acute sense of colours.

Women’s accessories take the main part of her attention, even if she makes many mothers happy with her cutest articles for babies and kids.

Several years ago, she made a significant step ahead by presenting her work for export and since then, she has been enjoying growing success in the industry.

Her recognizable work was more than often awarded in fashion shows, exhibitions, press releases, contests and TV broadcasts.

Nowadays, her products are available in more than 200 retailers, through European Union as well as in countries like Japan, USA and Australia.

OUTLINE Graphic Designers

Europe / Belgium

Lat: 50° 38' 9.65" N
Long: 5° 33' 31.2" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

5 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Taken with a Nikon D300 digital camera equipped with a 10.5 mm (equiv. 135) f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye-Nikkor. Eight images stitched with Realviz Stitcher Unlimited 5.6.2 software.
Chapeaux colorés
Ariane Lespire est née à Liège, Belgique. Elle est diplômée en architecture mais, après avoir mené de front les projets architecturaux et la réalisation d'accessoires de mode, elle a choisi de se consacrer entièrement à cette dernière passion.
Les accessoires féminins (chapeaux, écharpes, étoles, écharpes, sacs, bijoux,…) requièrent sa plus grande attention, mais elle réalise également des séries dédiées aux enfants et aux messieurs.
Son travail original a été maintes fois présenté et récompensé lors de salons, défilés, expositions, articles de presse et émissions TV.
Les créations d’Ariane se retrouvent dans plus de 200 points de vente dans le monde, des USA au Japon… ainsi bien sûr qu’à son atelier-boutique à Liège.
Toutes les créations sont dessinées et fabriquées en Belgique.

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