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(September 18-23, 2008)

Uri Cogan

Dan Logan at 'Elements' Paint and Home Design Shop.

Joby Catto

Colours at Night, Sol den Serra

Sol den Serra, near Cala Llonga, Ibiza, Spain

September 20, 2008 - 10:23 UTC (00:10 local time)

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© 2008 Joby Catto, All Rights Reserved.

Some friends recently held their wedding at this wonderful venue in Ibiza. It lies overlooking a small secluded bay on the eastern coast of Ibiza, the famed 'white isle' in the Mediterranean. The weather was perfect, and as dusk fell the venue's illuminations cast a surreal glow on the partygoers. We ate great food and toasted the couple and the speakers under the stars (the barbeque is clearly visible and was still warm when this picture was taken!).

I shot this as Andy, one of the guests, was at the climax of his party piece - a breathtaking performance with fire sticks. As he had to substitute a barbeque gel for the more usual paraffin he later revealed an impressive collection of low-intensity burns on his arms from the spattering fuel. Not a pastime for the faint-hearted!

I loved the intensity of the lights and fire on the beach, and knew it would make a great panorama for this event. Thanks to Jack and Vix for the wedding invite: it was truly a night to remember, and I'm happy to have captured a flavour of the occasion.

Europe / Spain

Lat: 38° 56' 49.56" N
Long: 1° 30' 37.51" E

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Canon EOS400D, Sigma f3.5 8mm, Nodal Ninja 3. Shot as AE-bracketed RAWs, converted with Lightroom 2, blended with Xfuse 0.5, stitched with Stitcher 5.6, output with Pano2VR 2.1

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