Seaside Ampitheatre - Lichen on Stage
Seaside, Florida, USA
September 21, 2009, 12:00 CDT (local time)
I did it in Photoshop. The guest performer is a false reindeer lichen from the Pine Barrens, New Jersey. Some of the local lichens gathered on the green around the stage are the same species, Cladonia subtenuis, but in Florida are known as dixie reindeer lichen. My rogue art fiction action seems to have caught the attention of the surrounding buildings, trees, and cars. I feel they are looking on.
Seaside is a planned community on the Emerald Coast of NW Florida panhandle, known for its successful innovation of New Urbanism. The flag waves in the south over the Post Office. It faces Scenic Highway 30-A, the Emerald Coast beach, and the Gulf of Mexico. The small stage facing north opens to an expansive green grass ampitheatre surrounded with stores, restaurants, a bank, a bookstore, and other businesses. The turf supports free concerts, fairs, meetings, yard sales, exhibits, dances, and an open space for play. The Seaside Repertory Theatre is in a nearby building.
Local Florida deer lichens, 2007 - Local lichens, the audience background
Seaside Institute - links to New Urbanism
Other WWP entries about deer lichen and Seaside:
Diversity - Deer Lichen Diversity
Sustenance - Deer Lichens to Eat, Litter, and Evolve
Atmosphere - Deer Moss Lives on Air
Borders (Seaside) - Between Sundial and the Hedge Does not show Flash track, only visible in Flash version: Borders Panorama Equinox - Flash, large (1.4 MB)
Lat: 30° 19' 12.74" N
Long: 87° 9' 15.56" W
Precision is: Medium. Nearby, but not to the last decimal.