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(July 1 - September 30, 2014)

J Pat Marse

Mummy Cave Ruin

Roberto Mancuso


Milan, Italy

27/09/2014 - 19,00

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© 2014 Roberto Mancuso, Some Rights Reserved. Creative Commons License


Ruins...and...remains, this was at once my thinking...and remains pointed me to something I see every time....when here, in Milan, ends a local market, in several street. It's habit, for sellers, to leave in the streets, the "remains" of their "passage" there: then refuse collection service provide to clean all they left there. I ever thought, also if there is this service, that they pay, of course, that if each of them could think to their own, little space all would be more "urban".


Rovine....resti....questo e' stato il mio pensiero....e "resti" mi ha portato a cio' che vedo ogni volta...quando qui, a Milano, si concludono i mercati rionali, nelle diverse vie della citta'. E' abitudine, per i venditori, lasciare nelle strade i "resti" del loro passaggio: quindi il servizio di nettezza urbana provvede a ripulire tutto cio' che lasciano li'. Ho sempre pensato, anche se c'e' questo servizio, che loro pagano, ovviamente, che se ognuno raccogliesse cio' che lascia nel suo piccolo spazio, tutto sembrerebbe piu' "civile".

Europe / Italy

Lat: 45° 27' 28" N
Long: 9° 10' 13" E

Elevation: 118 m s.l.m.

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

10 km
5 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Camera: Nikon D70s, Lens: Nikkor 10.5mm fisheye, Panohead: Agno's TCP, Tripod: Feisol carbon fiber, Software PTGui, Photoshop.

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