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(July 1 – September 30, 2024)

J Pat Marse

Future Clothes

Roberto Mancuso

Future for humans

viale Argonne/parco giochi; Milan Italy Europe

September 30th 2024, 12h16' UTC+2

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© 2024 Roberto Mancuso, All Rights Reserved.


The theme of the quarter is 'Future': what is more closely tied to the future than our children? And what is more beautiful than children playing and laughing? This is why I thought of filming in a small playground. However, to avoid any issues with filming children, who are highly protected here, I filmed in the morning when there were no children present and added the sound of kids playing outdoors. If we wanted to add a social aspect, we could say: beware, in Europe, fewer and fewer children are being born. Will it end with us only having their recorded voices left?


Kandao QooCam 3 ultra, monopode with a small base, QooCam studio, Pano2vr, PtGui, Photoshop

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