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Best of 2007

(January 1st - December 28th, 2007)

Landis Bennett

Wine, Friends, Food, and Fun

Luis Benitez

2501 Migrants / 2501 Migrantes

Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

16:26:21 local time / November 2, 2007

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© 2007 Luis Benitez, All Rights Reserved.


2501 Migrants

Fundidora Park, Monterrey, NL, México

By the Sculptor Alejandro Santiago from Oaxaca, México.

Magnificent installation of real size human figures created out of clay, located in an outdoor space of 7,000 square meters. Where the migration of the south-eastern Mexican (village) population to the big metropolis is translated in an attempt of reconstructing a community by sculpting bodies out of clay which symbolizes the scream of absence.

2501 Migrantes

Parque Fundidora, Monterrey, NL, México

Por el escultor oaxaqueño Alejandro Santiago

Magna instalación en un espacio de 7,000 metros cuadrados al aire libre de figuras humanas manufacturadas en barro y de tamaño natural, donde la migración de los pueblos del sureste mexicano hacia las grandes metrópolis se traduce en el intento de reconstrucción de un pueblo mediante cuerpos de barro que son el grito de una ausencia.

Latin America / Mexico

Lat: 25° 40' 22.56" N
Long: 101° 18' 32.47" W

Elevation: 518

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: Unknown / Undeclared.

50 km
30 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Hardware: Nikon D70, FISHEYE NIKKOR 10.5mm, Nodal Ninja 3, Manfrotto 055PROB, PowerBook G4 17'

Software: Stitcher Unlimited, Capture NX, Photoshop CS2, CubicConverter, QuickTime Pro

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